Coast Village

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The Facilities Management Committee reviewed all of the resumes submitted by applicants for the position of part time maintenance personnel. From that pool of resumes, the Committee selected six applicants to interview. The interview was conducted by Larry Phillips, Gene van de Vyver, Charlotte Frye, Robert Davidson, and/or RayLynn Berning and Chuck Dodson. As a result of the interviews Sean Wilkins was selected for the position. The Chairman of the Personnel Committee has made a tentative offer pending Board approval and background check. The background check has been run, and items have been found. After considering these items, the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the Acting President of the Corporation to officially offer Mr. Wilkins the position.

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1.RayLynn Berning, Associate Maintenance Supervisor, has conducted a review of David Baker’s performance from his date of hire to November 20th, 2013. Mr. Baker, per her recommendation, “has proven to be a hard worker, self-starting, self-motivated and completes tasks that are assigned to him”

2.Ms. Berning, as well as the Facilities Management Co-Chair has recommended giving him a pay raise and an increase in hours.

3.The Board hereby authorizes the Corporation to provide Mr. Baker with the pay increase and hours specified on the supplied support documentation.

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The Board of Directors hereby authorizes the Treasurer of the Corporation to pay to the Corporation’s Employees the following as Christmas Bonuses: Full-time Employees $xx on a debit card, Part-time Employees $xx on a debit card. Fees for the debit cards to be paid by the Corporation.

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The Board of Directors hereby accepts the presented CVPOC Rules and Regulations as modified. Per instructions the Rules and Regulations as submitted for this vote are in their final draft. Text to be deleted is lined through and text added is bold and italicized. Once the board approves this final draft, a final published copy will be given to the CVPOC Secretary for review to insure no further unauthorized changes have been made. The CVPOC Secretary will then insure that the Membership receives a copy through the mail or via e-mail. A copy of the document will also be placed on the CVPOC website.