Coast Village

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To approve installation of fence between on Lot 154 Outer Drive, on the East side of Coast Village. Fence to be installed is a 4 ft.high, white picket fence, with a 4 ft. high gate at a 45 degree angle from the existing shed to the new fence. Then the new fence will be an east/west orientation on the lot; running from the existing shed to the East-side property line chain link fence. The fence will be visible from Outer Drive if you looksouth from the road. Installation will not result in any damage to the East side greenbelt.

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The owner of Lot # 202 Huckleberry Lane, Ann Waters; will be allowed to change a temporary fence into a permanent wood fence that will cut through the greenbelt on the north and east corner of the lot; the fence wll sit on the Outer Drive side, backing up to Lot # 203 Bourbon Street. This fence will not disturb of any of the plants in the existing greenbelt.

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To Accept Noel Smith as a Board of Director to finish out the term of Roger Emigh who resigned.